"Sandy Eggo" - What fun!

Becca & I had a blast. We stayed in trendy, upscale LaJolla, drove to the temple, visited museums at Balboa Park, saw lots of animals at the world famous zoo, shopped at a great mall, and went to SEA WORLD. Here are a few pics to enjoy.


Eliza said…
Holy cow looks like you guys had SO much fun! I'm so jealous of all the cool animals and stuff you got to see- but more importantly I'm SUPER jealous that everyone has been to SeaWorld now but me! :( Oh well..being made fun of forever isn't that bad... (: I want to hear all about the trip Becca, call me!!! Love you all, Eliza
Unknown said…
Ah! Becca you are so cute! I want to go to San Diego--it looks so beautiful and fun. I love the panda bear...sometimes I wish I could just louge in a tree all day. But homework calls! Loves!

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