Brain Power!

Our new roommates Natalie and Melissa (the two in the back in the middle) have been initiated into our society of...bangs and brains...ya... Anyway, we all get these scrunchy head bands that look like brains (at least the pink ones) and then we fix our hair so that it looks like we have awesome bangs. So far I can still have fun being an Interior Design major. We'll see how long that lasts. And don't forget to look at my "tour of Rexburg" because I posted two things. I love you all and hope you're having as much fun as I am. Maybe in a different way though...


Okay - Bangs and Brains - a legendary group of awesome young women with the power to solve all the problems in the universe!
Eliza said…
Lexi, you are sooo hilarious! How come you're being SO much more crazy at school than I am? Shouldn't Interior Design be keeping you more busy.... haha just kidding- you guys all look super cute, and I'm so glad you're having SO much fun!

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