Happy Birthday Mother!

Dear Mom, just for you, I made a scrapbook page! And I learned something too- we need to take more pictures of us together! But Mother, I hope you like it, and everyone else too! Love, Liza


Melinda said…
I just had to comment on the awesome scrapbook page. It is just GREAT!!!!

And Happy Birthday Dawn!! I'm so glad I know you.
Dawn said…
I just wanted again to thank you all for such a nice birthday. The grandmas and Eddie and Becca and Cody and Andrew and Tyler and I all had pizza and birthday cake and had fun. I love you all so much and can't wait to see you soon.
Beautiful page Eliza. Glad you took the time to create this. Hope you have a Provolicious day!
Love you.
Unknown said…
Aw, you are so talented. Great job on the page and the blog. It wouldn't be as cute if it wasn't for you!

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