All-Northwest Audition

I auditioned for the All-Northwest Orchestra this past Saturday; hopefully it went pretty well. I don't know when we'll get results, but I'll be sure to let everyone know PROMPTLY. I'm really nervous, so everyone cross your fingers for me!!!

ps. people need to be posting more on this blog!! i want to hear about liza and lexi's adventures at college, i want to hear about nicole and monica's new baby stories!!!

i'm stuck here all by myself so people POST MORE so i know what's going on!!!!!

love bec


Unknown said…
Becca my love! That is so very cool that you did that! I hope things go well and you get in. At this point in time, I'm not really sure where my camera is and so pictures might not be happening for a bit...until I find it. Anyway, I will try to keep you updated. I can't wait to see you guys this weekend! Rexburg is really beautiful right now, but keep praying that it will stay this way. School is crazy busy with lots of projects that I'll post pictures of when I'm done...if I don't want to burn them. Just kidding! I love you!
Eliza said…
Becca, I'm sooooo proud of you and so excited!! Basically college is the same here...who am I kidding, its AMAZING and I have SO many stories...but you'll have to pay the price ;) heehee, nah, but I'll post sometime soon too. Right now I'm just studying (if you can call facebooking and blogging studying...) and then I have an oral french test this afternoon! Monsieur Murdock was super happy I brought treats for the class today, so I think I might be back on his good side! Woohoo! Love you Fam, can't wait to see you for conference! ♥, Eliza

It is a sad tale for sure. Being "stuck here all by myself" with just a couple of lame parents around can be pretty traumatic for any teenager. Hopefully the "people" will heed your plea and post more on the blog so you can maintain your sanity against the formidable onslaught of being outnumbered 2:1 by your parents! YIKES.
Eliza said…
C'est tres formidable to be sure! french that means very happy, not very formidable. haha. But Becs, hold in there- its only 2 years :P Anyways, I did 6 minute abs tonight! And we had FHE- its amazing how, as our father, my "husband" seems to receive revelation to say exactly the things that are needed in our family. It's really great to see the priesthood at work in such young guys! It really amazes me..and Christina (who's here next to me! we're scheming of course ;D)

Well then, time for another late night of...partying it up with the wonderful roommates! Can't wait to see you all. Love, Liza
Ethan said…
Hey Bec! Good job on the audition. I'm sure you did great!
Anonymous said…
Bex I'm so proud of you! definitely let us know when you find out.

And about the padres...well, I think you should come visit Liza, Jake and I down in Provo for a weekend or so sometime.

love ya!
Eliza said…
I totally second Nic's idea! You can even crash on our couch if you want! Or Nic and Jakes..since theirs is probably softer haha. Guess what- I got a 100 on my astronomy quiz so now I know sooo many constellations (: And...I love you all! Love, Liza

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