Eliza's College Happenings!
Hey Fam, here are some pictures of recent happenings in 237 Whitney Hall--First off, here is a picture of Whitney Hall, as well as the view from our front door. During this first week, we made cookie dough, I bought books (soo many..thanks Colie for the discount!) and we got TWO pets! Jena bought a beta fish- because she misses hers at home :( So he sits on our kitchen table (shh...don't tell the RA!) Also, today while I was at my computer, I looked over at my bed and a PRAYING MANTIS was sitting there on top of my covers! I caught him in a glass (after totally freaking out, laughing my head off, and scaring my roommate Megan!) and we kept him in the kitchen as well for about.....3 hours. Then I set him free outside, to go out into the big world! aww..don't they just grow up so fast? :) Anyways, life is great! We have an FHE BBQ tonight, and tomorrow I'm going to see a french film! Love you all, Liza

Love You.