Eliza's College Happenings!

Hey Fam, here are some pictures of recent happenings in 237 Whitney Hall--First off, here is a picture of Whitney Hall, as well as the view from our front door. During this first week, we made cookie dough, I bought books (soo many..thanks Colie for the discount!) and we got TWO pets! Jena bought a beta fish- because she misses hers at home :( So he sits on our kitchen table (shh...don't tell the RA!) Also, today while I was at my computer, I looked over at my bed and a PRAYING MANTIS was sitting there on top of my covers! I caught him in a glass (after totally freaking out, laughing my head off, and scaring my roommate Megan!) and we kept him in the kitchen as well for about.....3 hours. Then I set him free outside, to go out into the big world! aww..don't they just grow up so fast? :) Anyways, life is great! We have an FHE BBQ tonight, and tomorrow I'm going to see a french film! Love you all, Liza


Unknown said…
Wizzy! I love the pictures. It reminds me of the good old days of my first year...taking pictures of everything. You're so cute!
Lizzy, This is great to hear about you life in P-town. I hope you are having a great week. And by the way, it was Mr. Green, in Liza & Jena's room, with the....er, uh well, one of those weapons that a praying mantis could wield! Happy BYU happenings.
Love You.

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