My family is the best!

Dearest family,

Thanks so much for sending those things up with Josh. I've already taken a picture with my new camera, which came just in time because my old one is doing silly things with the battery. Thank you so much for sending Corbin's letter to me. It was really sweet and he says to tell all of you that he loves you. And of course thank you SO MUCH for the snow boots. It's been raining on and off all day today, and pretty soon the rain will turn into snow. And thanks for recording High School Musical 2! I'm so excited to watch it...again. Well, I'm going to bed because it's late, very late. I love you all and miss you so much. I'm planning on coming over next weekend with Stayc, Anna, and Anne to go to Josh's farewell. I'm so excited to see all of you!!!!!!

Love, Lex

My first missionary letter from Elder Corbin Jacobs (aka CP). That's my hand after we played around with latex and tissue in my makeup class. As you can see in the first picture, my hand doesn't really look like that.


Eliza said…
oh my grossness! Thank goodness you're hand doesnt really look like that! But I wouldn't put it past Rexburg to freeze people like that! Yesterday here it was raining and so cold outside, I was at a soccer game and everyone was purple! But you look so gorgeous in the top picture- college looks good on you lex!
Glad you got your letter from CP. And we're very excited to see you this weekend. We love you and miss you. What a fun class you are taking getting to experiment with all this make up stuff.
See you soon.

Love, DAD

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