Me and El--we're tight!

Like it or hate it, this is my app essay for BYU. nothin special, just thought we'd give you a laugh.

As the great woman Eleanor Roosevelt once told me, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” Okay, so realistically this quote originated many years before my birth, but since first stumbling upon it, this phrase has become my motto for life. And throughout the years, I have racked up some pretty scary experiences. However, these experiences have also been times of great learning and growth for me.
I am a secretary at heart—I love taking notes, making handouts, and not having to speak in front of large groups. But when National Honor Society elections came junior year, I decided to branch out—and scare myself. Being elected President of NHS has forced me to step out of my box; not only have I become comfortable speaking before large audiences, I am also better at being a more flexible and cooperative leader.
Watching my older sister participate in Junior Miss, I knew that I wanted to be in it as well—just for fun of course. But when I won, I was scared out of my mind! However, as I’m sure Eleanor Roosevelt knew, being crowned Boise Valley Junior Miss was a huge learning experience for me. It taught me self confidence and dedication, as well as the importance of reliability and dependability.
I’ve always participated in the school orchestra; playing the cello has been my creative escape from the math and history of the rest of the school day. However, this year I decided to try the zero hour chamber orchestra—a scary experience unlike any before. This experience has required me to work with the rest of the orchestra as a team, practicing so that I know the music and won’t let my section down.
These are only a few of the many scary experiences I have been through in the last years—and will continue to put myself through every day, just as Eleanor would have wanted.


Anonymous said…
Who needs an essay with a great picture like that! And is your essay really titled "Me and El--we're tight!"? That's certain to catch the eyes of admissions.
Anonymous said…
p.s. Could you invite Jake to our blog so he can post as himself and not me? love your guts, and the essay is engaging:)
Ethan said…
Eliza - I'd let you in my college! Love you tons!
Unknown said…
nicole has a split-personality disorder!

Ok, just kidding. You are amazing and your picture is amazing and your essay is amazing and it's amazing that I know someone as amazing as you!

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