Hi everyone! It's becca. We've come to a decision that a family blog would be easier than a family email. What about you guys? I'll email you guys info and such, so that you guys can post as well! I love you guys all so much, and i can't wait to see the older girls soon! Nicole, you got to tellus how picking up matt went, and you both have to tell us how the 1/2 Marathon went! I bet you guys did great. I just started Cross-country, and it is SO FUN! I love it, even if i skipped practice on saturday due to painting withdrawl symptoms. SO....I guess i'll just see you guys around! Post!!!!!

Love love love,
all ways all the time,



Eliza said…
this is a comment!
Eliza said…
Becca this is the best idea! Emailing is just sort of a hassle, so i like the blog. Also i like the template that you chose:) nic

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