Eliza's Date!

I went on a date last night with Brennan Powell! We went and saw "The Devil Wears Prada" with Greg Belnap and his date. It is SUCH a cute movie! well I like all the clothes at least! haha- Then we went to Primo's for all-you-can-eat pizza! They had dessert pizza and stuff (I ate 11 pieces.....the most out of anyone.....hmmmhmmhmmm) We played Karaoke Revolution after that at Greg's house- which is so much fun! we were doing duets, so Brennan and I sang "RESPECT" and stuff....even though we werent very good! (we'll have to buy it for our house and practice!) My favorite part about the date was that every time we got in or out of the car, the guys would run around and open the doors for us, and we kept forgetting to let them be gentlemen, and it probably looked really funny to anyone walking by! haha, just thought i would keep you all posted on my super hot dating life (yah right)! Nic and Steph- how was the marathon? And Monica- I LOVE the pictures for the rooms for your boys! I really like the green one w/ the football! well everyone, have a good day! Becca and I just thought we would try this blog thing and see how it goes!

Love you all, Liza


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