Monday: the day of PAIN

Hi all, this is becca. Oh my gosh, today was my second day of Cross Country, and we went to Hillside Junior High for it. Let me tell you, it isn't called that for nothing. we ran about 2 miles on the foothills, (remember how hard it was backpacking? that's about how steep it was). Then we did Hill re-runs (where you run up this super steep hill about 8 times). The coaches all agreed taht the head coach (Danny whatever) was crazy. Jake skinner threw up four times. I met a new friend, Jenny, she is a Senior in college, and she goes to NNU. She is so sweet, because when i would get tired running, she would keep pushing me and make me go farther. I started feeling sick, so i only did one of the hill re-runs, and Jenny and Coach Young (the girls coach, she is great) just walked around the hills. The three of us (four including Coach Young's dog, Aspen) all decided to head back early. I dont know how it happened, but Jenny and I got seperated from Coach Young, and we ended up taking this 3 miles detour around the foothills, but we still managed to get back to the school before the rest of the team came.


i was so close to being like "oh my gosh i never want to do cross country again", but you know what, I am so glad i stuck with it. So many girls that signed up aren't going to show up, so i'm going to have a headstart on them. I'm proud, even if i am the slowest girl on the team so far.

love becca <3


Eliza said…
Becca! You're my hero! I'm so glad that you're sticking with it. You're the best and keep up the good work! -lexi
Eliza said…
Holy Cow Bex! you're superwoman! I am proud of you:)I can commiserate with you about painful running. But it's totally worth it in the end. You'll do great:) love you, nic

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