To Run and Not Be Weary...

Well Family, the half-marathoners did survive! WAHOOO!!!! The race was actually really fun. We go to the buses at about 5:40am and there were over 1,000 participants. We then drove on the bus up to the start line up Provo Canyon, got out and walked around for a bit. We saw Joanne, our old roommate, and decided to run with her. When they shot the gun for us to start, there were so many runners that we didn't even start running until about 2 or 3 minutes after. So we finally started running and it was...(can you believe it)... FUN! I had tons more fun than I thought I would. And we ran the entire 13.1 miles! We did it in about 2:04 which was faster than I expected. My knees didn't hurt until about mile 11. But the last half mile or so, even though I was hurting, there were lots of people cheering us on which made we want to run faster and ignore the pain. The finish was fun! There was a live band, pancakes, cantelope, watermelon, water, etc. So Steph and I ate some of that and just sat for a while afterwards. I had a HUGE blister on my left pinky toe but that was about it (besides the aching of my knees). And all that day afterwards I was hurting. Steph and I both took naps for a couple hours in the afternoon. All in all it was a really fun time. I think I might do another race next year:)

And, since so many people have asked about the Matt reunion, here's the scoop. I went to to airport on Saturday night. His parents and I were there to greet him. It was kinda weird/awkward at first, but then he rode home with me in my car so we talked for a while and he told me all about his traveling this past week (they were in 5 countries in 5 days!). Both of us were very tired though (me from my half, he from traveling and having to spend the night in the New York airport and jet lag). So I dropped him off at his house and drove back to mine. I didn't realize until I had pulled in at my apartment that he had left one bag in my backseat. So he's coming over tonight to get it. So we'll see how it goes:)

Love you all,


Eliza said…
Nicole and Steph! I am so proud of you guys. It takes some intense determination to run 13 miles. Whew! I bet you're glad you did it, though. And Nicole, good luck with Matt!!!!

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