Long Overdue Hot Air Balloon Pictures!

Hot air ballooning was SO MUCH FUN! It was the perfect day for it- apparently there was a temperature inversion, so it was 23 degrees on the ground, and 38 in the sky where we were- at 2500 feet! We went up and drifted around, had trouble finding a place to land because the winds weren't taking us back to where we started like the guy had hoped, so we ran the basket into some trees for a bit, but then floated down to a field. We had gone with the guy and his little 7ish year old daughter, so when we landed, there was another girl there (I think his sister in law) who hadn't ever been before (it's like a whole family affair- it was so fun!) so we got to go back up with her and fly some more! Then we helped put away the ballooon- which was GIGANTIC. After that we had to be initiated because we were first time flyers. So we knelt down on the ground, and they told us of the first story of hot air ballooning (the peasants had thought it was a dragon and tried to kill it when it landed. haha) then we had to drink sparkling cider to celebrate, but we had to do it without using our hands. So we bent over to pick up the cup off the ground with our teeth, and they dumped sparking cider on our heads while we were down! So that was a surprise, and afterward we were all gross and sticky :) Overall, a delightful time!!!!


becca said…
wizaaaaaaa you are soooo cute and lucky! i can't wait to see you this week. AHHH you and jake are so cute!
What an exhilarating experience. I am gratedful that we didn't read a headline in the Daily Universe, "Two Monson Scholars 'Buy the Farm' in Hot Air Balloon Accident." And how much did you have to pay for the privilege of having sticky sparkling cider poured over your head? :)
Eliza said…
Dad, you can't put a price on happy memories silly!! Haha, and I'm glad too that we didn't have an accident...Lexi said her roommate's friend ran into power cords and was electrocuted and hospitalized! See you all in a few days!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

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