Nicole's List

Scarf (black, brown, red, tan, etc. - I already have a beautiful blue one)

Socks (trouser and other kinds I can wear to work)

Spirit of the Season by Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Sissel (CD)

Work out videos that I can do to drop those pound after I have the baby

Cool big tote that doubles as a diaper bag (i.e. something that doesn't look like a diaper bag, but more like a cool big purse with lots of inside pockets)

maternity shirts or gift card

Anything on our registry at Babies R Us and Target (I'm working to add to these)



blush or Clinique/mac gift card

hot rollers for hair

digital camera with video to take lots of pics of the baby

new CD player in car (it broke AGAIN!)

anything else you think I'd like


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