Alexis' List

Something made with love
Wacom Intuos (the bigger the better)
Ski coat
Cook books (easy recipes, something Italian)
Boots (brown leather, riding boot style--no tall pointy heels, tuck pants into, comfy for walking A LOT through rain and snow)
Bag (about 23x15x8 for traveling abroad!)
Bert's Bees chapstick
A church book (like the Miracle of Forgiveness)
Church music to play (piano accompaniment of voice and/or violin, violin duet, quartet)
Prince Caspian DVD
Black Pentel R.S.V.P. pens
Cute apron
Camera card (so I can take lots of pictures in Britain!)
Classy jewelry (earrings, rings, or a super cool necklace)

Hopefully that gives you some ideas for what you could get me for Christmas. But it's hard to top the best gift ever: this amazing family! I'm so grateful for all of you and all that you do for me. I love you all so much! We're the best!


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