Views from Sister Cannariato in Toledo

Hi family!

Thanks for the emails and messages of TLC. I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and that you’re enjoying whatever the weather is where you’re at. We were dumped on yesterday…a “level 2” storm warning was in effect so we weren’t supposed to drive anywhere unless we absolutely had to and we couldn’t park on the street because of the snow plows. Well, the Lord’s work moves forward rain or shine so we ended up just tracting streets close to our house (which, I hear, Dad has looked up on Google Earth and yes, it’s near the high school) that were within walking distance. I’m just glad it wasn’t a level 3 because they will ticket you if you’re on the road. Crazy, I know, but it’s because I guess there are only like 7 snow plows for all of Toledo so they take extra precautions. The east side of the state gets this much snow all of the time but they have the equipment to deal with it.

I really love being in Toledo. It reminds me so much more of Idaho. As we were driving out here last Wednesday from Kirtland, I was amazed at the change in terrain—it’s much more open and there are fields and farms and stuff. Very I-84-esque, if you know what I mean. We are living with a member of our ward, Sister Timmerman. She was the first member in our mission to have missionaries live with her the new way that the Brethren came up with. I am so amazed by her willingness to have us in her home. She’s not home much because she works three jobs but I am so grateful to have a nice place to live where the Spirit resides. It’s pretty cozy--we sleep on bunk beds (I have the top and hit my head on the ceiling on occasion) and then have a little walk-in closet. We have our own bathroom and Sister Timmerman lets us use all of her kitchen appliances and things. She even has this sweet Kathy Ireland exercise bike that we use in the morning :) It’s great.

The ward here is fantastic. They are dedicated and involved and supportive of the missionary effort. There’s a medical school here in Toledo so we have about 20 young couples that are starting their families here. In fact, I hear Steve Weber is in my ward, though I haven’t had a chance to talk with him. It reminds me just a bit of BYU wards since many have graduated from there. In fact, a guy that I went out with a couple times was sitting down from me in the pew at church this past Sunday. Ah, the small web we weave within the church…good times.

I think the greatest part though is being companions with Sister McFarlane. She’s just awesome. And her family even makes no-bake cheesecake when they go backpacking!!! Crazy, huh? It’s really been so great to have her as a companion. I have learned so much just from her example of Christ-centered discipleship and sincere charity. I want to be like her when I grow up! We are teaching some great people and are seeing miracles right and left in our finding. The Lord just keeps blessing us to find many investigators daily and keeps us busy with teaching appointments. I am so excited to see what we’ll be able to do with the Lord’s guidance this transfer.

The area here is great. They just had two baptisms and I’m so impressed with the people we’re meeting. I love that they just get the gospel and are willing to commit to live according to the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The miracles we’re seeing here are amazing, two of which I’ll mention today. First, we went to visit a recent convert named Dawn. The family situation is a long story but we’ll just say that she has a friend named Dennis who is the father of one of her daughters. Well, when Dawn started to meet with the missionaries Dennis didn’t want her to, nor did he want Dawn’s daughters to be a part of it. He wouldn’t let the girls be in the same room as the missionaries. Eventually he softened up a bit and even came to Dawn’s baptism. Last week while we were at Dawn’s house Dennis was over. He asked a TON of really great questions and one of the girls informed us that Dennis had said it was okay for the girls to go to church. He stayed for our lesson about the family proclamation, committed to pray as an individual daily, and even committed to have family prayer with Dawn and her family. Then we all knelt together to say a prayer at the close of the lesson. It is a miracle to witness the Holy Ghost working to soften the hearts of individuals. Dennis was talking with a good friend of his from our ward and she informed us that Dennis had expressed the desire to come to church. The gospel is just amazing!

Okay, so the second miracle. We had an appointment cancel so we went to our backup street. When we got there, we realized it didn’t exist as we had thought, so we ended up praying and reevaluating our plans. We prayerfully selected a former investigator to go stop by. While driving to her home, we passed a man walking next to a little boy riding a bike with training wheels. They caught my eye because it was such a cute scene. Right after we passed them, the Spirit nudged me and said, “talk to them.” I tried to pass it off but when we stopped at the nearby intersection I told Sister McFarlane and we decided to park and go talk to him. We got back to the intersection only to see the boy and him walk into the Family Video store on the corner! I was so sad that we had missed him. But we decided to stick it out and made a few phone calls while we waited for them. When they got back to the street where we were parked, we got out of the car to talk with them. Rice reached out his hand to introduce himself before either of us had the chance and asked what he could do for us. The Lord blessed us greatly and we’re meeting with him again this afternoon. I can’t wait.

I’m so grateful to have this opportunity to serve the Lord in Ohio…I love it! I hope you’re all doing well. Thanks for your support and prayers and I hope you have a fantastic week!

Love, Sister Cannariato


Eliza said…
Our cousin Keith left this comment, but I accidentally rejected it. So here it is:

I'm really excited that Sister Cannariato is in Toledo. Her first ward was Tallmadage, right? That was my first area as well and it is the coolest place on earth. Toledo was my last city and the people there are amazing. She'll be well taken care of in those wards out there!!
Hey, sorry to clog up the comment space, but I read that she was in Holland. That is the same area I spent my last 4 and 1/2 months. What a great ward. She needs to see the Bennetts and tell them Keith Bond says hi!

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