Happy Homemaker!

I seriously made an apple pie! Except I used Kim's apple filling...but other than that it's 100% homemade by yours truly. I actually haven't tried it yet and hopefully it will taste good. I wish all of you could try a piece. And yes I just finished it at 9:30.

One more piece of good news. I got asked to a dance this Friday! Here's how the conversation went as I was leaving my social dance class:

Tyson: So what are you doing this Friday?

Me: Um, nothing. (me thinking I never, EVER have plans for Friday...)
Tyson: Do you want to go to the dance?

Me: With you? (Spoken in a high, completely shocked voice)

Tyson: Ya

Me: Ya, I'd love to!

Lexi=smooth as butter. Ya you know it.


Anonymous said…
Lex - you're the smoothest:) Kudos on the pie and the date!
Eliza said…
Oh my goodness lexi! that's SOOO awesome! (talking about the pie of course... :D) I wish I could try the pie too- it looks D-LISH! and the date...you'll have to post all the juicy details! (and then email me the _really_ juicy details :p) anyways, I'm so happy that you're living up to your homemaking duties, love you lots! ---lizzy

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