Something's fishy...or hairy...

Ok, I promise I'm not taking steroids...we're just learning about applying facial hair in my stage makeup class. Do I look good or what?


Dawn said…
Okay. You are coming home right now. We will have none of that tomentous nonsense any more. That school has been a very blad invluence on you. No No No!
Wuv, Mom
And THIS is why I sent my daughter to college? And I thought you couldn't wear a beard at BYU-I. What's up with that? Seriously, I am glad you are having such a blast in this class. It certainly makes for fun homework assignments.
Love you anyway,
becca said…
haha i like the huge bottle of acetone in the background.

Eliza said…
this is totally awesome- next time i need to dress up like a guy, you are the (man) i'm calling! btw, I get credit for the word tomentous! haha...its a great word really. so, love you, talk to you later!
Anonymous said…
so, when are you going to lose the goatee?

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