Gma Betty and the Birthday Extravaganza

We had Grandma Betty's birthday here tonight, and I just thought I'd give you all a little taste of how the evening went. Here is one interesting conversation of note:


"Giraffes make rotten mothers"

*pause as we all examined the philosophical meaning of this remark*


"Well have you ever tried to raise a teenage giraffe?"


"I have"

Anyways, that about sums the evening up. There were lots of great presents (you guessed it-most of them bought by the birthday girl herself) and a FABULOUS chocolate cake (made by yours truly!--hence the FABULOUSness of it!) and just an overall great night of fun and games.

Hope you are all having as much fun as we are!---Lizzy


Eliza said…
and then to crown off the whole evening- mother drank right from the milk carton. as if the world couldn't get any crazier!
Unknown said…
I think Grandma Betty is contagious. I wish I could have been there, but maybe it's better that I wasn' I can have my sanity.
Anonymous said…
well, what a party that must have been:) Ah, the joys of insanity in the family - could it get any better?
Gma said…
Dear Lizzy,

I thought I was the only one who saw the milk episode -- If I didn't have such a hard time getting up I'd have fallen off
my chair right then and there.

Gma said…
Dear Lizzy,

I thought I was the only one who saw the milk episode If I didn't have such a hard time getting up I'd have fallen off my chair right then and there!

Aunt Fern
Ethan said…
I did hear from gma ham that the cake was FAB:) I miss gma betty parties.
Ethan said…
ps... I like the look of the blog, who updated? Great job.

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