Proud of our Produce

What a great garden we have had this year. Look at the size of the watermelons and sunflower. Our carrots were also fabulous - remember the three intertwined ones? We plan on eating one of these melons on Sunday. YUMMY!


Eliza said…
Oh my goodness Dad those are some healthy looking watermelons! Congrats on such a wonderful garden- how did the corn do? Do I get to eat some ever? I sure hope so! In other news, it has officially snowed in Provo. Didn't stick (thankgoodness because we have a football game today!) But it has moved out of fall area, and into definitely almost winter. Love you all and I love the updates on the blog! Happy Travellings (:
Unknown said…
Those look amazing! I wish I was home to try some. How did the rest of the garden do? And how did you get the fenced watermelon out?
It has also officially snowed in Rexburg (twice actually) but it didn't stick either. I am wearing my homemade scarf!

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