Line Project

Here's one of my projects for interior design that I just finished. It's matted and looks better that way. We had to take a picture and break it down into just line. My professor had everyone in the class rate the projects from most successful to not as successful. Everyone picked mine as the first one! I was really blessed to be able to finish it and still do important things like watch conference and go to FHE. I'm starting on another one that has to do with shape so wish me luck!


Ethan said…
Lex! u r amazing! That is a really neat project.
Dawn said…
Alexis, you're the best! I'm so proud of you and glad you were able to finish it. Mom
Eliza said…
Oh yah, I was the first to see it! Lexi, I'm definitely super impressed. Who knew you were such a NATURAL at interior design! (oh wait, I totally knew that! Just look at all those binders you have of those designs and were born for this baby!) And also, think of how different our majors are! We are definitely starting a business. See ya after master's school! Love, lizzy poo
Congratulations to you! What a nice honor from your classmates. I know how tedious this was. Keep up the good work. Love, Dad
Anonymous said…
That is so cool Lex! I'm thoroughly impressed!
Unknown said…
Thanks everyone! You make me feel so good! I'm glad you all liked it. I have the best family ever that all reads the best blog ever. Yay!
becca said…

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