So, yeah.

Basically, I just wanted you all to know how much I love and miss you. I've just been reading through the most recent posts and am so glad that things are going well for everyone.

Provo is good--it was hard to have friends leave for the summer or graduate and leave forever, but I've been able to form good friendships with people in my ward and have been having a blast playing lots of volleyball and doing fun things with them. I think that it will be a great summer.

I just found out that I'll be supervising practicum in Salem on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then going to Heber on Wednesdsays. Though it's a little bit of a drive, I don't mind it because it's great think time. So that means I'll just be working 12 hours a week with that and then I can work 10-20 on my research assistant job without feeling like I'm a workaholic. I'm really glad. And I'll have more time to play and help with wedding stuff. :)

I love love love you and hope you're doing well. Thanks for being such a fantastic family!


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