Ethan's ER visit last night

We had Ethan's annual ER visit last night from about 6:30-9:00pm. He hit his head on a landscape paver in our backyard. He had a small, but VERY deep hole in his head. Some numbing cream and one staple later, they let him back out on the street to continue his life as a 3 year old.


Can Can said…
poor guy! i'm glad it wasn't more serious. i can't wait to kiss it better in a week and a day :)
Eliza said…
Poor Ethan! I hope he's alright and I hope you guys are alright too! Have you ever considered padding every inch of your house? Ok, so it wouldn't be the most fashionable house, but it would definitely keep the kids safe. And it would be a great conversation starter. "Hey Monica, what you have on your ceilings..."
Anonymous said…
so sad! i hope everything is going well now.

i'm excited to see you in a week!

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