Southern California Greetings

Dear Family,

I miss you all. Saturday after class I drove to the LA Temple and went to a session. Sunday morning I went to church at the Redondo Beach 1st Ward. That afternoon I got to have lunch with Aunt Lorraine and Uncle Bob at the Red Onion in Palos Verdes. We had a great time. Last night after class I went for a walk along the beach. I hope Eliza, that your NHS Installation event will go well this evening. Alexis, our prayers were answered for your Prom date and work conflict. Becca, I am excited to celebrate your 15th birthday on Thursday.

It will be fun to have you home Nicole for a whirlwind of wedding planning! I am looking forward to Stake Conference this weekend.

Dawn, I love you very much and am grateful that you take such good care of everything and everybody while I am out of town.

Love, DAD


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