My Christmas Wishes

Okay, I'll post a few ideas for all you Christmas shoppers out there.
New car floor mats (I know, pretty romantic) rubber or leopard print (not the cheap ones)
UGG boots (the real ones, not the fak-o ones)
interesting dayplanner (Must be month at a time, NOT daily or stupid)
Quality Art to take a painting class
personal plane (not a dinky little prop that you have to turn by hand, you know, or I'll just return it and get what I want)(must be in the correct color)
cute but grown-up blingy purse (NOT A SOUP SPOON)
torch for all the creme brulee I'm going to be making when I'm not dieting
cute exercise outfit that matches and makes me look super fit.
well, that's pretty depressing.


Eliza said…
MOTHER! This is probably the funniest thing I have ever seen (not daily or STUPID). A PLANE!?!?!? Crazy woman! Thanks for the good laugh while I'm doing my hw (: I love your head off, can't wait to see the fam!!!!
becca said…
you shall understand...
Ethan said…
That is really funny - I wish I could contribute to the plane... Would $20 be enough? All the other girls could take out student loans :)

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