Our 8th anniversary, etc...

Today is possibly the day I've been looking forward to least out of all the days in Blake's life. That's right, he crawled out of his crib during nap time! AHHH! Ok, I'm going to die, but oh well. He's still supposed to be taking those 3-4 hour naps, right??? If I have any more kids, you can just shoot me, oh wait, that's already happening. If I'm a zombie for the next 6-69 years, you'll all understand why.
Yesterday was Nate and my 8th anniversary. We took a lunch cruise on the Portland Spirit along the Willamette River. It was really fun. We took lots of pics of the amazing houses on the river. I thought you all might be interested in the architecture and the FOR SALE sign on one. DAD? DAWN? :)

It was also Ethan's 1st day of his 2 week swim lessons. He was moved up a class, which I hope will challenge him to (sort of) swim by himself. He had a whale pancake for breakfast.
Ethan was recently invited to a FUN pirate b-day party! Blake and Ethan even walked the plank.


Eliza said…
Dear Monica,
I am so sorry for you! Really, if I was still in high school, I would just come live over there with you this whole year. We will continue to pray for your entire family! But on other news, the pictures are adorable, and I'm glad you had a great anniversaire! Tell everyone hi and we love them, and ps. the picture of them jumping off the couch is soooo cute! :D
becca said…
oh my goodness i love these boys! im so glad that you guys had a great anniversary. i can't wait to visit you again!
Anonymous said…
Monica - you're a great mom and wife! and as much trouble as those boys may give you, i have to say that they are super cute! you two make beautiful babies and i'm excited to see the next one in march:)
Glad you had such a nice anniversary celebration. No one knows what moms go through except other moms. Thank you for being such a good mom to your boys. Grandma Hayes can tell stories about Larry & Lane that make my hair stand up on end. They really gave her a run for her money. But she continued to love them and no love given is ever wasted. I am very proud of you. LOVE, Dad
Brian or Julie said…
Monica, I wish you would have you own blog so I could alway check in on you guys. Well we do have phones:) I just love seeing you cute fam. I hope that you are feeling good. we find out tomorrow if we are having a boy or a girl. Karissa and I are preying for a girl:) She wants a sister so bad. We love and miss you guys. Talk to you soon. Love, Julie

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