
Thanks Mom for those thoughts about President Hinckley. He was an amazing man. I know he was a prophet of God and he has helped me so much through my teenage years.
On a side note, President Packer did not say that quote about the people in heaven. Someone shared that quote in one of my seminary classes and Brother Deeble explained that none of the general authorities had said that. No one will "bow down" to the people who lived in the time of Gordon B. Hinckley because 1) just because you lived during President Hinckley's time doesn't automatically make you a good person and 2) the only people anyone in heaven should be bowing to is Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Also, I know from personal experience that I am not one of the most righteous, most obedient, most talent, or most courageous people that has ever lived. It's not when you live that matters, it's how you live during your life and what you chose to do with your life that makes you great. There is no "best time" to be sent to the earth. I believe Heavenly Father sent every spirit to a specific time period on the earth that was best suited to that spirit. That is the best time for you and what you do with it is what really matters.
I hope you don't think that I'm putting down President Hinckley or anyone who lived during his time. I love him and I just want you all to know that this quote is not a true statement from President Packer or any of the general authorities. Already, my experiences at BYU-Idaho, especially recently, have made me realize the importance of recognizing, sharing, and defending truth. I have also learned it important to recognize false teachings and correct them when possible. I love President Hinckley, I love the gospel, and I love my family!

Love, Alexis


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