Funny Dinner Anecdote :D

Dear family,

Becca's and my seminary teacher was only here for a semester as a temp, so he's leaving and we're having a new seminary teacher--Brother Gwilliams. I heard from Becca that she's heard he was hot. So here is tonight's dinner conversation:

Me: Becca, I heard from Nenna that Bro Gwilliams is cute and funny, but not necesarily hot.

Becca: darnit!

Dad: (in sarcastic voice) well THAT's an important qualification for a seminary teacher!

Me: Dad, was that your sarcastic voice? Because it certainly IS a very qualifying qualification for a seminary teacher

Dad: well THAT's an important qualification for a seminary teacher! (does he think I didn't hear the first time?)

Me: I have always found, Dad, that the spirit speaks much more strongly to me when its coming from a hot person

Dad: well thank goodness Brother Epperson retired!

Thought at least some of you might enjoy that! Love you all, Lizzy


Anonymous said…
so funny! I really enjoyed that one liz:)

aren't we all glad that bro. epperson retired:)
Unknown said…
Sometimes dad is so the way, that was my sarcastic voice.
Ethan said…
that made me laugh out loud and water my eyes:) I even got to have at "at home" experience with Bro. E. I liked his son at one time, went over for a visit, and let me tell you, his home is very bro epersonish, yikes!
Upon reflection, I have to admit that Eliza makes a good point. It is easier to pay attention to someone that you find attractive. When I was 6 or 7 my Primary teacher was a newly married "hottie". All the little boys in class wanted to sit next to her in sharing time and we were VERY well behaved in class. HOWEVER, in your quest for an ideal eternal companion, better to have a spiritual giant that isn't quite as "hot" than a "hottie" that you have to prod/nag for the rest of your life to lead your family in righteousness. Monica and Nicole both got "double hotties" in their husbands and I expect the rest of you to do as well! That is not my sarcastic voice, by the way. LOVE YOU ALL.

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