Attention all Cannariato-Almond Bloggers. Tonight at 9PM Mountain time, Miss Stephanie Helen Cannariato will be opening a large envelope from the First Presidency and she will know where she has been called to serve for the next 18 months.

Be there or be square! We are thrilled for you, Steph!

Love, Dadio


Eliza said…
Hey all,
Since I might not be there tonight (I know, church getting in the way of family stuff! heehee) but anyways, I love you Stephy-poo and I'm super duper excited! My guess is South Africa, or somewhere thereabouts (you could learn zulu!) but you are needed everywhere I am sure! much love,

Unknown said…
I'm soooooo outtacontrol excitexd! My guess is...South America since that's where practically all of my friends are going. Grandma Ham wants it to be Salt Lake Temple Square. I thought Nauvoo would be cool too. I could see you hacking through the jungles of South Africa though...

Love, Lexi
Can Can said…
Looks like the Clevelanders won out...

I think the best part about this post is that I'm fishing in a pink zip hoodie that one of the girls let me borrow. Man, I look good in mismatched clothes and glasses :)

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