Disneyland Adventures

Disneyland for 3 days! Wow, that was so much fun for everyone.  The weather was perfect and the parks weren't too crowded.  Everyone was healthy and we had a wonderful time together.  Grandma and Grandpa were just thrilled to be included in California fun.  Thanks, guys!


springrose said…
Dawn you look as thrilled as I was going down Splash Mountain! I do not like roller coasters! We loved going this last summer with our kiddos for the first time. We are thinking of going again in a few years. Looking forward to it.
Unknown said…
Mom you look wonderful in the last picture! And Monica's family is all growing up!

I'm so glad you had a fun time, I love you all so much
Unknown said…
Monica, your outfit is the cutest ever. You guys have the greatest faces ever on Splash Mountain! Wish I could have been there with you guys...but someone had to hold down the fort and take care of the cat. You owe me big.

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