Frosty the Pumpkin!

How long do pumpkins last? How long do snowmen last? I'm hoping they both last all winter! I bought a pumpkin before Halloween for us to carve--but we soon discovered neither of us likes pumpkin carving. :) So on our porch the pumpkin sat, past Halloween, past Thanksgiving, and it even stuck with us through finals and the end of the semester. But what to do now? It's embarrassing to have a pumpkin still on the porch... (even more embarrassing for my neighbors who still have their carved pumpkins out! Or rather...moldy rotten remnants of carved pumpkins...yah. it's gross.) But I found this idea on Pinterest and I thought it was perfect for our little pumpkin friend. Now I hope he'll last all the way until summer! I think this could work all year round- paint hearts for Valentine's Day, make him a pot-o-gold for St. Patty's, a nice chubby bunny at, pumpkin possibilities are endless! -Eliza


becca said…
That is adorable! I miss you both so much!

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