February Formal Dance

Our Stake hosted the Priests & Laurels from 5 Stakes in the first "February Formal" - a girl ask guy dance where high standards of dress & conduct were expected. Over 480 youth had a great experience - good music, wholesome dancing, beautiful decorations and great refreshments. Dawn & I worked the Italian Soda station but got to sneak in a few dances ourselves and of course got our picture taken. Happy Valentine's Day!


Eliza said…
You two look so great! What a wonderful idea to have a stake formal dance. It sounds like it was tons of fun!!!! And what a nice picture :) You can just do that for the Christmas card and photoshop in giant children in the background!! :P
Eliza, I thought you'd appreciate this dance as it was an idea that you and LOTS of our youth had been suggesting as an alternative to the skanky dances you were offered in high school. It was a very nice event. Love you.
Anonymous said…
Isn't it romantic?!

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