Grace, and Family Preparation

Dear Family,

Today I was lounging around (avoiding homework!) and I decided to pick up our brand new copy of the February Ensign. What a WONDERFUL issue! I encourage anyone who hasn't sat down with it yet to pick it up and at least read a few stories.

One in particular stood out in my reading. The title, "The Single Ski" immediately made me think of dad getting us packed up for skiing. As I continued reading, I learned that the kid in the story had gone with his family skiing for the first time, but had forgotten one of his skis and both his poles! I remembered all the times we have gone skiing as a family--the stress of getting 8 pairs of skis, poles, gloves, hats, goggles, boots, gators, (have I forgotten anything?) together before we got in the car. Goodness those were some frantic times!

As the story progressed, the author likened his ski to his condition- sometimes we are all trying to get by with only one ski, and we just can't do it on our own. It is then (and always) that we need the Savior and his grace to take us where we are and help us along the path.

What struck me, though, was the guidance and love our parents have shown for us in always making sure we have the correct equipment. They have given us a pattern for our lives and helped us be prepared for our experiences so that when the Savior comes to help us along, we have already been prepared so well by loving parents.

Of course we still need the grace of the Savior (because we all know there have still been times that, even with all the equipment, some of us still can't make it down the slope without crying and sitting down and trying to give up many times!) But I am so grateful for parents that have prepared us well and that continually show us the path for having all our equipment so we can make it through our trials.

Anyway, just a good Saturday morning reminiscence of great family memories :) I hope you are all doing well! I love you,



Unknown said…
Liza that was beautiful. I totally agree with what you've said. This has been a week of realizing just how awesome our parents are. Best family ever! Now I'm very excited about reading the February Ensign...
Can Can said…
Thanks for sharing brightened my day with your wisdom!
Thank you for your insights and reflections. I think mom and I just got a "parent paycheck". Thank you! :)
Anonymous said…
That almost made me cry. I love you liz - and I totally agree, our parents are great.

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