
Showing posts from January, 2010

Grace, and Family Preparation

Dear Family, Today I was lounging around (avoiding homework!) and I decided to pick up our brand new copy of the February Ensign. What a WONDERFUL issue! I encourage anyone who hasn't sat down with it yet to pick it up and at least read a few stories. One in particular stood out in my reading. The title, "The Single Ski" immediately made me think of dad getting us packed up for skiing. As I continued reading, I learned that the kid in the story had gone with his family skiing for the first time, but had forgotten one of his skis and both his poles! I remembered all the times we have gone skiing as a family--the stress of getting 8 pairs of skis, poles, gloves, hats, goggles, boots, gators, (have I forgotten anything?) together before we got in the car. Goodness those were some frantic times! As the story progressed, the author likened his ski to his condition- sometimes we are all trying to get by with only one ski, and we just can't do it on our own. It is then (and ...

Just fyi

I have officially decided to reenter the world of blogging and started a new blog. So you can find it at and I hope you enjoy it.


I got a new haircut!

A poem for you

Roses are red Violets are blue I'm having a great time But sure miss you! The end. I'll see you Thursday.

New Year's Run

Well we certainly didn't sleep in this New Year's Day. Becca, Eliza, Dawn & Steve ran in the YMCA New Year's 5K. We had a fun time. Steve placed 2nd in his "NEW" 55-59 age group and Alexis made us a nice poster greeting us upon our arrival home. HAPPY NEW YEAR Everyone!