Dad and I had a little fun this weekend!

Steve and I were empty-nesters this weekend. So on a freezing Saturday afternoon, we went to Black's Creek Rifle Range and took our guns. My dad's old 1917 Winchester high-powered rifle, and our two shotguns, and we had a BLAST. Wow, those guns were LOUD! That was the first time my old guns had been used in about 50 years or more. Dad would have been proud.


GooDad said…
So... you entitle a post "Dad and I had a little fun this weekend!" but don't say anything at all, and just put up a picture of you holding a gun. Somehow this doesn't seem appropriate to the Sabbath. :-)
Unknown said…
I have the coolest parents ever!
Ethan said…
How fun! I didn't know you had guns - I would have been a better child early on :)

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