Sun Valley, Scone Night, and Aliens

Some of my friends in the interior design program outside this gorgeous church in Sun Valley. It was nice to get out of Rexburg, even if it was just for one day.

These are my lovely roommates. Whitney and I are in the back, and then from left to right it's Sarah, Jenny, Steph, and Cherika. They're tons of fun and, as you can see, very good looking!

One night when we were going a little crazy from homework, some of my roommates and I decided to go for a little adventure. And we found some friends along the way...
This is my unique creation for our Scone Night. We invited a bunch of people over but sadly (ya right) only boys showed up. It was fun meeting new people and eating!


Ethan said…
Thanks for the pics, Lex! I miss you.
How fun to see these pics. Even if we are miles apart, this is really a nice way to share some of your college experiences. That said, I would prefer to enjoy the scones first hand instead of just seeing them on the blog :)
Can Can said…
Your straight hair looks absolutely GORGEOUS dahling, simply GORGEOUS. Looks like you're having a blast. Tell Whitney I said hi!

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