New Car, New Apartment

Here's my new (to me) car: an '07 Dodge Caliber. I'm still working on a name for it, so if you have any ideas, I am definitely open to suggestions. I absolutely love it and it's already taken good care of me. :)I'm still adjusting but I like my new apartment in La Jolla. I've met my roommates and they seem like really cool girls. Amazingly, I fit all of my stuff in the closest--even my shoes! There should be awards for that. Thanks to Dad for getting me the car, and making packing an art form. And thanks to Mom for sending me off with tuna, beans, and tortillas along with other food conveniences. I already miss everyone. A lot. I have the best family ever! I love you all so so so much! I'll keep you updated on anything exciting, and I'll start posting projects on my blog...once I do them. Love to all!


Red Oscar said…
Congrats on the Dodge Caliber. We just got one in the "Cash for Clunkers" program and really love it. They are really nice vehicles.
Ethan said…
Yea Lex! I'm glad you made it safe to Rexburg. We miss you already. I know you'll have a great year! Good Luck on your first day.
Hope you are doing well this week. Great that you fit all your stuff into your apartment. Hope you are having a great semester. Any cute boys?????

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