More of Becca's Oregon Experiences

On Saturday, we went to the zoo, then to "party in the park", a rec center activity. We all loved the Sea lions and the face painting. After naps, we went to Deseret Book to find Steph a present, but we couldn't find something good enough for our missionary (sorry steph!). We then went to a Thai restaurant and had lots of leftovers. We drove by the temple on the way home. It is so beautiful. We ended our adventurous day with a bang... Ethan pooed his pants in the car. yep, that's right. GROSS!!! (poor kid) Too much info, I know, but it was a big part of our day. Becca gave the kids a bath while I disinfected the car.
Today was good. We had a good day at church. The weather is great, so we walked to the park this evening, then pulled eachother in the wagon.
Hope you all are having fun like us!