
Here's how far we've come from last year! Enjoy:

Under-Cover Christmas

To Whom It May Concern:
The information we are about to disclose is top-secret, confidential, and classified. It is only through means of your fierce friendship and utmost trust that we feel the need to share with you this covert communication. The year 2006 was of one of perpetrating undercover operations, staying one step ahead of the enemy, and narrowly escaping deadly situations.

The veteran of the agency, Grandma Fern, loves to share her thrilling stories and tactics with the progressing generation, as well as keep in touch with her fellow agents.

Steve continues to run the smooth operation with his commanding voice and ominous presence. Throughout the year he spent time honing his skills in the catching of dangerous fresh-water enemies, codename: FISH, and driving the getaway boat for his expert apprentice water-skiers. He also trains others to defend themselves against the greatest enemy in his church calling as Second Counselor in the Stake Presidency.

Dawn, a.k.a Mom Master, spends her time teaching the ways of the trade to her cub scouts, delving into the devious arts of preparedness and service to others. When she is not driving the getaway car, she is mastering the thrilling harmonies of the organ or leading other agents in the ward in compiling their own personal history.

Monica and her husband Nate are very successful in their highly-dangerous mission to train the aspiring agents, codenames: Ethan and Blake, to become skilled sleuths. Nate works in the intelligence division, called Micron to protect his identity, producing highly-advanced gadgetry to combat the constant progression of our arch-nemesis. Monica works undercover as a ballet teacher in her home while successfully leading the underground communication headquarters. The newest agent of the force, Blake, was introduced on September First, and Ethan, now a two-year-old, has amplified his expertise in the field of creating distractions while the other agents carry out their missions.

Nicole and Stephanie are aiding the force in Special Ops: PROVO. Stephanie is saving the world each day as she teaches Special Education. Nicole is working hard in her espionage training and she has just completed Masters’ Degree in Art History, our own Da Vinci Code Cracker. These girls do take the time out of their busy undercover lives to keep in contact with headquarters and to take full advantage of the adventures of life- a.k.a dating!

While maintaining her cover as an employee at Hancock Fabrics under the alias of Alexis, Alexis cannot hide her real talent at the piano and violin. She enjoys overseeing numerous operations including the music of the Young Women in the ward, and she plans to attend BYU-Idaho in the next year to continue her espionage education.

Eliza too heads her share of covert missions as President-Elect of National Honor Society at school and secretary in the Laurel Class Presidency at church. She spends her time studying and doing homework to become the next information specialist of the agency, a.k.a. Valedictorian.

As the youngest, and possibly most talented spy this generation has yet seen, Rebecca is becoming very clever in her artistic and musical abilities. She is mastering the transition from middle to high school expertly, where she is learning Japanese so as to be our foreign correspondent. She too plays in the school orchestra with her sisters and in the Meridian Youth Symphony Orchestra, playing tantalizing melodies on her viola.

As recipient of this message, it is now your mission to spread Holiday cheer throughout the next year, as an honorary agent of the Cannariato Almond Agency. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, keep your friends close, your enemies closer.

This message will self destruct in 5…4…3…2…1…


Unknown said…
Our family is amazingly creative. What's the plan for this next Christmas letter? We could continue in the theme of "undercover Christmas" or we could try something new...but I can't think of anything! Loves to all!
Eliza said…
sorry, but its already written. And its uh...not quite as creative....its just a straight letter. but next year, mom and i already have the theme ready---

A Runny Babbit Christmas! woohoo!
Okay, so I wrote this years BORING, CONVENTIONAL newsletter. But at least it got done early. Next year, let the creativity girls work their magic!

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