Nicole is Married?!

This is one example of the many artful pictures taken at what many have called "the wedding of the year." It is unclear what triggered Steve's passionate expression but sources suggest that it may have resulted from viewing the wedding bill, or from spying Ethan and other youngsters half naked in the temple's fountain (see below).

This is Ethan's way of keeping cool!

These last two were just great pictures we wanted to share with everyone!

It was great to see everyone in Las Cruces! We love you and hope to see you all again soon.
Love, Jake & Nicole


what was my evil twin doing at the wedding? I didn't know I looked so....dashing!
love, dadio (the REAL one, not the twin!)
Can Can said…
I LOVE these pictures! It was so much fun to spend time together so much during July. I can't wait to be home and spend more time with everyone! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!

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